Endless Mountain Coonhunters
Springville, PA
Welcome Coonhunters
President - Tim Gulley
Vice President - Rick Grosvenor
Treasurer/Secretary - Lester HalL
Correspondence Secretary - Skip Strawn
Endless Mountain Coon Club is a proud supporter of, The United Sportsman's Club, Jackson, PA. Members from both clubs work together towards the common goal of promoting Coonhound Traditions and teaching our youth about the sport and its legacy. Please take the time to support both clubs with UKC Events.
United Sportsman's Club Jackson
3/30/18 BS 7:00 NH 8:00
5/5/18 WR 3:00 FT 4:30 BS 6:00 NH 8:00
6/2/18 WR 3:00 FT 4:30 BS 6:00 NH 8:00
7/21/18 WR 3:00 FT 4:30 BS 6:00 NH 8:00
9/28/18 BS 6:00 NH 8:00* Poor Boy Event
11/3/18 BS 6:00 NH 7:00
Abbreviations Legend
WR-Water Races
FT-Field Trials
BS-Bench Show
NH-Night Hunt
Any questions about The United Sportsman Club please contact Tim or Skip at the below information.
Contact information
Tim Gulley - (607)761-1566
Skip Strawn - (607)765-1224
Club Address:60 Rod & Gun Club Rd
Jackson, PA 18825