Endless Mountain Coonhunters
Springville, PA
Welcome Coonhunters
Nestled in the beautiful Endless Mountains of Springville, PA, The Endless Mountain Coonclub is always open to new members and all coon hunts are UKC sanctioned. Besides holding several UKC Events each year, we also have a Coyote Hunt each year. As a club, members volunteer their time taking "Wounded Warriors" coon hunting through "Hunts for the Healing" at Ringneck Ridge. We also participate in several events each year, teaching children about coonhunting. If you are holding an event to teach children about the outdoors, and would like some of our members to bring friendly coon dogs and all the hunting gear, please go to our Contact Page, and send a message.
Upcoming Club Events
Endless Mountain Coon Hunters
Coyote Hunt
January 17th-19th
UKC events
United Sportsman's Club Jackson
UKC Events
Abbreviations Legend
WR-Water Races
FT-Field Trials
BS-Bench Show
NH-Night Hunt
RQE-Regional Qualifying Event
Coyote Hunt Application 2025
New Club Phone Number
Only works on event days
It was a great weekend at our 19th annual coyote hunt this year. We had 168 total hunters enter in the hunt, 158 hunters enter for biggest female, and 101 hunters enter the fox hunt. We had 33 coyotes entered in our the three days, 9 red fox entered and 23 grey fox entered. Winners are as follows:
Charles Avery- Overall winner and biggest Friday 45.69 pounds
Courtney Senguin- 2nd place and biggest Saturday 45.90 pounds
Jared Traver- biggest Sunday 41.80 pounds
John Noreika- biggest female 37.50 pounds
Bryan Cragle- biggest red fox 11.35 pounds
Taylor Jenkins- biggest grey fox 13.4 pounds
Thank you to all who entered! We appreciate all who enter and help support us in this endeavor and continue to make it successful.